American Woman in Paris

American Woman in Paris

This is about my unique view of a unique city and from a unique life perspective. To see more of my photos go to

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Parislog 56
September 7, 2006

I finally had my first appointment with the employment office. It was so frustrating. I could answer many of the questions all right but then came the moment. She asked me something that I couldn’t figure out at all. So, I said so, which I often don’t because it is too embarrassing and too frustrating to have to stop people all the time to say that you don’t get it. In this case however, I figured it was pretty necessary. I mean she is asking me things that have to do with my finding a job. So she tries again to explain and again and again. She tries different ways and I am completely clueless. I finally figure out one of the words that she is using and I didn’t get. Society means business.

At one point I think that she is asking me what I can offer to an employer and because I don’t have a resume written down and I know how much of a stickler they are here for diplomas, which I don’t have, I jokingly throw out there because I am brilliant. Big Smile. She laughed but she also blushed a lot. Maybe one isn’t supposed to speak highly of themselves here too like the old Puritanical ways. Don’t say anything nice about yourself. She was funny though and laughingly said, “I know but….” And then she went back to whatever it was that I didn’t understanding in the first place.

She gave me an address to go to in regards to my starting my business in fashion but I haven’t gone yet and I think, in writing this that it is because I was so frustrated again with my lack of language. I want to do my business so badly and I am just so blocked with the language on top of my lack of knowledge in this industry. Argh.

These images are from metro Laumiere. The second was a section of torn of posters under the sign above. I then played with the image.


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