American Woman in Paris

American Woman in Paris

This is about my unique view of a unique city and from a unique life perspective. To see more of my photos go to

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Parislog 62
September 19, 2006

I went back to the ANPE (employment office) today that specializes in the fashion industry. The last time I was there, I had been told that I had to go get my initial appointment before I could have an appointment. That turned out to be a huge amount of work and a whole other appointment to get that appointment but I got it all done. Now I went to get the original meeting that I had wanted. I wanted to speak with someone there who could help guide me with what I should be looking for in the fashion industry that would help to eventually open my own business.

I got there. I waited in line. I got to the front. I asked for my appointment. The clerk took my employment number and looked me up in the computer then told me that I couldn’t have an appointment because I was registered at another office. I would have to be able to convince them to change my registry to their office. That isn’t going to happen. According to them, if I don’t have a degree or experience then they aren’t going to help me in that field. They decide for me and for the businesses whether or not I am allowed to go in that direction.

I WANT TO SCREAM. Why do they get to decide what I can and can’t do? Why do they get to decide that I have no value in the industry that I want to be in? Why do they get to run my life? And why do they get to call themselves and employment office? It doesn’t seem to me that they are trying to get me employed and in a way that would make me happy.

I swear, I walked out of there and had to sit on the steps and collect myself because I was starting to cry in utter frustration. I want to do this so much and it feels like they don’t want to help me here.

Curse word!!!!!!!!!!


At 10:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know a damn thing about fashion industry but the last place to go and get a job in France is the ANPE. Now, if you know someone who knows someone whose friend is the colleague of the friend etc. You get the picture?
That was just a bad day...
It'll be better tomorrow...


At 12:10 AM, Blogger CJ said...

Fortunately I do know someone and will most definitely be asking for some contacts.
Thanks for the boost. I needed it today.

At 3:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I understand your frustration.. When i lived in france, I had to go there all the time, and with little to no help. The only thing I kept hearing is, you have to know the right people to get any where with employment in france.. little to say but I never got a job, but I was only there for about a year with my french wife, she was the bread winner back then :)

At 10:58 AM, Blogger CJ said...

Thanks for the info Rhett. I am working up my courage to ask my friend who has contacts. I have never been good at asking for help so it always takes me awhile. But I have to do it. As you say there really isn't any other way.


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