Parislog 88
December 27, 2006
The weather has really changed a lot lately. It has become quite cold hitting 0º C or 32º F sometimes even during the day. The blue skies have disappeared into a grey/white sky that sometimes doesn’t pass somber gray. It is easy to stay shut inside and not put a single foot outside. And I am often shut inside just my room so that I can have heat and yet not be heating the whole house. I keep hearing how expensive the electric wall heaters are. This is not a comfortable thing for me but I am surviving it. I feel like my world got really small.
I do force myself to go out and with the holiday eating season adding onto my waistline, I am now making myself go out for minimum 1 hour walks. Of course, I take my camera with me everywhere I go.
I used to just keep it in my purse and whip it out when I found something that I wanted to photograph but them I kept missing shots. I couldn’t get it out and set up fast enough for some of those fleeting moments so then I began to carry it around my neck all the time at the risk of looking like a tourist everywhere I went. Today, I was walking along and had left it in my bag thinking that I was just on my way to somewhere and not thinking about shooting and along comes a guy carrying a flower shaped chair on his head. I want this shot. I fumble for the camera. I get it out and rip of a shot only to find that the settings were not prepped for fast street shots and all I got was blur. Bu the time I had it all sorted out, all I got was this long distance back shot. I cropped the shot so that you could see what I was trying to get but it will never be printable as this is a tiny portion of the original.
I must tell you that I found a tripod recently. I am so happy. There is something online called freecycle where you can tell people in your neighborhood what you have to give away instead of filling up landfills. I have used it to hand over a few items. I decided one day to ask for a tripod, to give it a shot and see if anyone might just have one. Lo and behold a wonderful couple, which were in the middle of moving, saw my ad and sent me a reply. It makes such a difference in the clarity of my photos and I have been having quite a good time using it to go out and do twilight and night photography. This shot of a light for the metro entrance was taken when it was almost complete night using the tripod. Cool huh?
A tripod--you would make my mother proud. She's been on me about needing one but I find it's difficult enough just to remember to take my camera along much less another piece of equipment. Isn't it cumbersome?
It is cumbersome and not easy for just meandering around but if I am purposefully going out to shoot in lower light conditions it is worth it. It makes such a difference when you get home to the computer.
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